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Herman Miller Mirra 2 Seat Replacement Tutorial

Herman Miller Mirra 2 Seat Replacement Tutorial - Office Logix Shop

How to Change the Seat and Replace the Flex Front Mechanism on Your Herman Miller Mirra 2 Chair?

In this tutorial dedicated to the Herman Miller Mirra 2 chair, we provide a detailed tutorial on how to replace the seat and the flex front mechanism of this remarkable chair. Whether you're dealing with wear and tear or simply looking to refresh your workspace, this guide ensures a smooth and successful update.

Tools Needed:

  • Screwdriver
  • Torque wrench or T-40 screwdriver

Steps to Replace the Seat and Flex Front Mechanism:

Removing the Seat:

  • Begin by using a screwdriver to release the seat from its clips. Carefully preserve these clips for reinstallation.
  • With a torque wrench or T-40 screwdriver, remove the bolts that attach the seat to the chair. Keep the screws safe as they will be reused.

Removing the Flex Front Mechanism:

  • Gently remove the flex front plastic casings. Handle with care to avoid damage.
  • After removing the casings, save them along with the two small plastic parts discovered during disassembly.

Installing the New Mechanism and Seat:

  • Position the new mechanism within the replacement seat.
  • Firmly hold the flex front mechanism and slide it into the designated slots without releasing the pressure.
  • While maintaining pressure, reinsert the plastic casings on both sides until they click into place, securing the mechanism.

Reassembling the Chair:

  • Place the new seat onto the chair frame and reinsert the previously removed bolts. Tighten them securely.
  • Test the flex front mechanism to ensure it functions correctly. The mechanism should remain in place if the installation was successful.
  • Reattach the saved clips to the chair, then align and press the seat onto these clips from both sides simultaneously to secure.


Congratulations on successfully replacing the seat and flex front mechanism on your Herman Miller Mirra 2 chair! This tutorial aimed to provide you with the knowledge and steps needed to upgrade your chair effectively. Enjoy the renewed comfort and functionality of your Mirra 2.