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Refurbished Office Chairs: A Step Towards A Greener Earth

Refurbished Office Chairs: A Step Towards A Greener Earth - Office Logix Shop

Sustainability Through Refurbished Office Chairs

Refurbished Office Chairs: A Step Towards a Greener Earth

With more people inhabiting the earth and constantly consuming, we are straining our limited resources at an alarming rate. Not to mention the harm we are causing to the nature and our main role in climate change. The necessity to recycle has never been more critical and our role at OfficeLogixShop as partners in this world dictates us to step up and contribute to a greener society by refurbishing our office chairs to be reused over and over with minimal ecological footprint.

What is recycling and why is it important?

What is recycling and why is it important?

As defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), recycling is “the process of collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new products. Recycling can benefit your community and the environment”.  

We understand that recycling is a good thing, but how does it exactly help?

Reducing the amount of waste that go to landfills

Landfills hurt the environment

One of the biggest benefits of recycling more refuse is that it can help reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfills. According to the University of Colorado, the environmental impacts of landfills include:

  • Releasing extraordinary amount of methane gas, which is extremely harmful to the environment owing to its ability to absorb sun’s heat, making it the most potent greenhouse gas and a major culprit in climate change.
  • Smog caused by landfills releasing carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and other elements.
  • Creating more spaces for landfills means that more land will be needed. This can be achieved by destroying more natural habitats for the wildlife.
  • High level of ammonia in the leachate. Nitrate is produced by ammonia’s nitrification, which leads to eutrophication. One of eutrophication’s effects is creating unsuitable environment for the animals due to the lack of oxygen.

Cost efficient

Recycling is cost efficient

Recycling, or in our case refurbished office chairs, can save you a significant amount of money. Yes, popping the tag off a brand-new item is a sensational experience. It is a human nature to enjoy sparkling things, but what if we told you that you can you have the exact same experience but for a considerably lower price? More to come about this point.

Saving earth’s resources

Recycling saves the earth's resources

Did you know that the earth is almost 4.5 billion years old? And did you also know that according to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) we have consumed and ravaged more than a third of earth’s resources in the last thirty years alone? The earth was doing great until we, humans, started to go through our precious resources in an alarming rate. Should we do something about it? Of course. With advanced technology, such as utilizing solar energy, we are trying to steer away from depleting our stock. Yet, as average users we should also step up and popularize the notion of making use of previously owned items to reduce the demand on producing new ones.

Refurbished office chairs

Refurbished Office Chairs

Refurbishing can be categorized as a part of recycling since it serves the same purpose of reducing broken or unwanted items to turn them into fully operational and useful goods. That is why at OfficeLogixShop we take the refurbishing topic seriously. Our refurbishing process is quite complicated and time consuming, but it is totally worth it because our aim is to serve the community with the best refurbished office chairs.

Our objectives are simple, yet, concrete. Every refurbished office chair is worked on to achieve two basic aims:

Saving the planet

Individuals and businesses alike are always in the market to purchase office chairs. Every now and then, someone will decide that they have had enough with the current chair and it is time to freshen things up a little bit. Chances are you have already noticed used or broken office chairs thrown on the curb in hopes someone will pick them up or they will end up in a landfill. Here is the problem, a lot of people will not settle for an aesthetically unpleasing chair, not to mention a broken one. With such a high demand, office chairs manufacturers will have no option but to keep pumping new chairs into the market, and obviously, more chairs means more consumed resources.

Our role starts when we receive those used chairs and turn them into almost new refurbished office chairs. This way, we are keeping the waste to a minimum level since we are only replacing the damaged parts and repairing/polishing the rest.  

Providing high quality office chairs for a low price

A completely new office chair can cost a considerable amount of money. Some can afford such a tag but others will have to go through some serious financial troubles just to relieve their body. Unfortunately, the other option is buying a low-end office chair, which may or may not serve the intended purpose. A refurbished office chair by OfficeLogixShop can easily solve this problem. We only provide our users with the high-end brands, such as Herman Miller and Steelcase for the fraction of the price.

How do we refurbish our office chairs?

In most cases, we receive the office chairs in drastic condition. Torn fabric, broken cylinders, dysfunctional mechanisms, you name it. But, our professional team at OfficeLogixShop takes a series of steps to meticulously refurbish any chair, no matter how bad it was. Our office chairs refurbishing process video  shows you the different routes we take to deliver the prefect refurbished office chair.

Cleaning and disinfection

Disinfecting the office chair

A spotless office chair is our priority, and with what is happening around the world, users have become diligent about the safety measures more than ever. That is why every chair goes into a long process of cleaning and disinfection using several equipment and formulas such as a high-temperature steam cleaner, special vacuum, and other solutions. It is worth mentioning that we even disinfect the parts we are going to replace eventually because we do not allow leaving any minor chance of germs spread or dust gathering in tight spots.

Replacing the parts

Replacing the office chair's parts

When we make sure that the office chair is ready, we start replacing some of the parts, whether they were damaged or not. Parts like the casters and armpads are always swapped with new ones. Other parts, depending on their condition, are assessed for replacement, cleaning, or repainting.

Touch up paint

Repainting the office chair

No refurbished office chairs are shipped to our clients without a complete touch up paint round. We use our own OfficeLogixShop Touch Up Paint to completely freshen up the look of your office chair. Even those tiny and almost hidden nicks that most people would not even notice are taken care of.

Refurbished office chairs are the right decision

The earth is our collective responsibility and we should do our utmost to preserve what is left from its resources and wildlife. A completely new office chair strains the environment due to all of all materials involved in production and shipment. A refurbished office chair, however, significantly cuts down on the required resources by simply recycling a used one and turning it into a new one, minus the expensive price tag. It is a win-win solution to save the environment and free up some of your hard-earned money.